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Requesting a University Approved Absence 

In limited circumstances, the University Approved Absence Office (UAAO) has the authority to issue University Approved Absences (UAAs).  Students are expected to communicate directly with instructors prior to requesting a UAA to navigate the details of making up missed work, rescheduling mid-terms, or requesting extensions to deadlines. 

In addition to the UAAO, support for students with class absences may include Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS), Campus Health Services (CHS), the Dean of Students Office (DOS), Thrive. 


  • The University Approved Absence Office DOES NOT issue University Approved Absences for final exams. For final exam rescheduling, visit the Attendance, Grading, Examination policy page. 
  • All absence documentation must be attached directly to your request. See the student FAQ to learn what documentation is required for each type of absence. 
  • Requests should be submitted as soon as you know you will need to miss a class. See the student FAQ page to learn the submission deadline for each absence type. 
  • Please note that documentation must include the reason for the absence and clearly define absence dates. Letters that only list absence dates or list unclearly defined dates are not considered sufficient documentation. 
  • UAAs submitted more than 5 business days following the last date of absence will be denied. 
  • If you are requesting a UAA due to experiencing or reporting sexual assault, sexual violence, or interpersonal violence, please be aware that the information you submit on this form will be shared with the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office (EOC) and with the University’s Gender Violence Services Coordinator. You will receive an outreach from the EOC office. If you wish to speak with someone confidentially regarding your need for an absence, please contact the Gender Violence Services Coordinators at

Step 1: Communicate directly with faculty about your absences 

Instructors often build policies about absences into their syllabi, allowing for flexibility with a certain number of absences to account for commonly occurring illnesses or other obligations that do not meet the criteria for a University Approved Absence. Connect with your instructor about your absences before determining if your absence warrants University approval and submitting a request. 

Instructors are encouraged to work with students to meet attendance needs that do not fall within University Approved Absences. For situations when an absence is not University approved (commonly occurring illnesses/minor injuries, job interviews, planned travel, etc.), instructors determine their own approach to missed classes and make-up assessments and assignments. 

Step 2: Determine if your absence meets the standard of a University Approved Absence 

Under the Class Attendance Policy you can request an absence be University approved only if it falls within the criteria outlined below: 

  1. Authorized university activities 
  2. Disability/religious observance/pregnancy, as required by law and approved by the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office (EOC), or short-term military leave as approved by the Dean of Students. 
  3. Significant health conditions and/or personal family emergencies as approved by the Dean of Students office, Gender Violence Service Coordinators, and/or the Equal Opportunity and Compliance Office 

Note: Examples for each criterion can be found on the FAQs pages. 

Step 3: Submit your request 

You should submit UAA requests via the UAAO Hub along with supporting documentation. 

  • Click here to log into the UAAO Hub. 
  • Click on “Request an Absence” to start your request.
  • You will receive an email notification confirming that you have successfully submitted your UAA request. 
Tutorial on how to use the University Approved Absence Office Hub to submit an absence.